The project submitted is based on international cooperation among organizations which work in the field of adult training.   Intention of our designed partnership is represented by exchange of practical experience and particular teaching methods  among lecturers in the field of adult training. The goal of the project is to expand expert knowledge and skills of teachers involved in partner organizations and to obtain new teaching methods which proved as efficient abroad during work with adult people. Newly obtained procedures and methods will subsequently be verified in practice with the target group in individual countries. A set of methods called “Tool Box” will be prepared in cooperation with partners and all partners will contribute to this set of methods. Tool Box will include a set of teaching methods for work with the target group which will be actively involved in activities of the project. Using visits of teachers from partners among organizations, we will expand  their existing knowledge and experience  with new methods focused on adult training. Teachers will be trained in using new methods and their efficiency will subsequently be verified directly with the target group involved and will then be implemented in practice in individual organizations involved.

Main benefits of the project in our opinion:

– Creation of the set of tools called “Tool Box” – a set of particular methods and tools for adult training

– Exchange of experience, information and methods in the field of adult training

– Dissemination of experience and project results

– Obtaining of new methods and techniques which are suitable to work with the target group

– Increase expert knowledge of teachers

– Verification of new methods in practice

– Implementation of pedagogical approaches in practice

Website of the


Reintegra (Czech Republic)–coordinator

ANKA – Development Agency of Karditsa S.A. (Greece)

IFES – Instituto de Formación y Estudios Sociales. (Spain)